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What is Scripture Meditation?

This Monday I thought I would do a short post on Scripture Meditation. What is it? How do you meditate on Scripture? And what does that look like throughout the day?

In Psalm 1 it says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree, planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season. It’s leaf does not wither.” 

If we are constantly filling our mind with scripture, meditating on it and memorizing it, we will begin to love the law and hate the wickedness around us, we will become strong in our faith, and we will bloom and grow into mature Christians.

Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation. -Psalm 119:97-99

The Puritans were especially good at meditating on scripture. We would do well to consider their ways.

Thomas Brooks said, “Remember, it is not hasty reading—but serious meditating upon holy and heavenly truths, that make them prove sweet and profitable to the soul. It is not the bee’s touching of the flower, which gathers honey—but her abiding for a time upon the flower, which draws out the sweet. It is not he who reads most—but he who meditates most, who will prove the choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian.” 

So what does it look like to meditate on Scripture on a daily basis? A good place to start is by just taking a verse at a time. It’s helpful to read the entire passage of a selected scripture first, so you are able to understand the context. Then focus on one verse and write it down. I like to write down any initial thoughts that I have when I first read the verse, and then I will journal a little bit. Asking myself questions like, what does this verse say about God? Who is the audience of this text? What wisdom can I glean from this verse? How does it encourage me in this moment?

Then I’ll place it somewhere prominent in my home so that I will see it often. On the window by my kitchen sink, in my bathroom on the counter, in my homeschool hutch, on the piano. Sometimes I’ll stick the verse in my bible or my quiet time companion, so that I can reference it each day as I go to do my quiet time.

As I’m going about my day, I’m reminded of the truth the verse holds. I’m encouraged by it and prompted to live in light of it. I’m also memorizing it. Because I am seeing it frequently, it is easier for me to memorize, and because of that, easier for me to call to mind during times of distress or trial, long after I’ve meditated on it.

The benefits of scripture meditation to our soul are many. God’s Word is like water and bread to our weary hearts. We carry a powerful hope around with us, and people everywhere need it.

This post references our Scripture Meditation Cards, which you can see here. For a limited time, we are including a free wooden card stand with every Scripture Meditation Card purchase. Just add it to your cart and it will be discounted automatically.

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