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Meditation Monday // Hebrews 13:8

This Monday, in this new year, I’m meditating on Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

“New year, new you” and “looking back at 2022”

I’m sure your inbox has been flooded with nods to remembrance, new resolutions and new rhythms these past few days.

I’m not really a resolution kinda girl, but I do love the idea of a new year and a fresh start. In 2022, I formed some new rhythms that I’d like to carry into and even build off of in 2023. And a new year is a good opportunity to reflect on what’s worked and what hasn’t.

Whether we are looking to make changes in 2023, or we're reliving our best days of 2022, I want to encourage you with a lasting truth.

Maybe you’re resolving to look at your phone less + read more (I am!), maybe you’re implementing new family rhythms or maybe you’re just wanting to change things up, get a new hair cut (whatever you do, don’t get the bangs).

We are quick to think that a new change will make our lives easier and fix our problems. There are benefits to new routines that help us stay diligent, but if you're like me, one bump in the road has us returning to old habits and our resolutions fall flat by mid January. And we are left feeling defeated and discouraged.

Let me tell you something, friends.

God is at work whether you start a new habit or not. He never changes. He is always constant. Even when we change our minds and change our diets and change our hair and change our routines to improve our quality of life, Jesus Christ stays the same. He is steady and constant.

Sometimes we think if we could maximize our productivity, we would have time for Bible reading and prayer, for gospel community and serving in the local church. Whether we truly believe this or not, we cannot save ourselves. We cannot modify our schedule enough, optimize our free time better, or download enough apps to help us stay on task.  We need a Savior that gives true transformation. That takes our failed attempts and says they are enough. Because He is enough and because He did it all perfectly in our place. When we put our trust in Him, and lean into Him, He transforms our hearts and minds. He gives us desires for His Word and for His people. 

Christ is not bound by time, everywhere He is present He is fully present and He is not waiting for you to get your life together or your bible reading together before He can enter into your life. He is with you now. And three weeks from now when the resolutions fall to the wayside and you fell off the Bible reading bandwagon.

And because he is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. He is not temperamental, He does not ride the rollercoaster of emotions like we do. He is steady. He is constant. And His love for you is un-changing. Even if you oversleep and miss your morning quiet time.

So step into 2023 with new goals and plans and resolutions and rhythms, hold them loosely and don’t base your merit off of your ability to perform, but base it off the One who lived a perfect life, died in your place and reigns at the right hand of the Father. The One who calls you by name, and not by what you can accomplish in a day, or in a year. The One who never changes, the One who is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.


Hello Tori, Thank you for this Monday blog entry! Even tho it was three months ago. Thankful there is no time limit on God’s Word to fill us with what we need!
Hebrews 13:8 ~ I am thankful for this verse. Early in my new faith 30+ years ago, This verse had served me well. Memorizing verses was new and challenging. This one seem to stay! It is a verse that has anchored my soul on many occassions! I appreciate your words that jumped off the page. Because HE is enough! With feeling overwhelmed with getting tasks completed, I need to pause then remember for me to surrender my disappointments in uncompleted tasks or goals. Each new day is a new beginning. Remembering He IS enough. He is generous, gives us much needed grace. I want to continue to believe this truth into my own heart!
Thanking God for leading me to this blog today!
with Joy,

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